Sesame seeds are known by their scientific name, Sesamun indicum. In a wide variety of Asian cuisines, sesame seeds provide both a nutty flavor and a light, almost imperceptible crunch. Additionally, they are the primary components of tahini, which is a paste made from sesame seeds, as well as halvah, a delicious Middle Eastern dessert. They are readily accessible at any time of the year. It’s possible that sesame seeds are the earliest condiment that man has ever discovered. They are widely prized for the oil they produce, which has great rancidity resistance and fetches a premium price.

Bread, breadsticks, pastries, chocolates, pasta, vegetables, halva, and curry dishes usually have natural sesame seeds. However, similar to a wide variety of other seeds and foods, sesame seeds have the potential to cause allergic responses in some individuals. Small in size and high in oil content, organic sesame seeds may range in color from a creamy white to a dark almost-charcoal gray. They were discovered over 3000 years ago, making them one of the earliest known oilseed commodities. Their high oil content is the primary reason for their cultivation. It is a flowering plant native to tropical regions that was first cultivated in sub-Saharan Africa but is now grown all over the globe.

Due to its robust nutty taste, it is widely used as an ingredient in dishes all over the globe, particularly in Asian cooking. We ship organic sesame seeds all throughout the United States. Sesame seeds are the small, tasty fruiting bodies of a plant native to India and Africa. Organic sesame seeds come in both shelled and unsalted varieties. Salads, crackers, seafood, cakes, soups, breaded fish and meat, and sushi are just some of the many dishes that benefit from the addition of these seeds. Similar to sesame seed oil products, they are nutrition dense.

Top-Rated Sesame-Seed Advantages

Sesame seeds are a terrific supplement to a healthy diet since they provide a wealth of essential nutrients. They go well with both sweet and savory recipes and are quite adaptable. For their many health benefits, sesame seeds have been cultivated by people from ancient times.

High Fiber Content

Getting adequate dietary fiber has been linked to a decreased risk of several different diseases, including breast cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and diverticular disease. Increase your daily fiber intake by eating more sesame seeds. The 2.12 g of dietary fiber in only 2 tablespoons of whole dry sesame seeds is quite a feat.

Vitamin B-Rich

Thiamine, niacin, and vitamin B6 are only a few of the B vitamins found in sesame seeds and their outer husks. That's fantastic news since these nutritious substances aid your body in converting food into energy, producing new blood cells, and maintaining healthy skin and tissues.

Curb Your Cholesterol Levels

Lignans and phytosterols, two plant chemicals, are found in sesame seeds and have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. Some studies have shown that phytosterols may boost your immune system and reduce your chance of developing cancer.

Combat Infections

Sesamin and sesamolin, found in sesame seeds, are powerful antioxidants and antibacterial. Antioxidants shield your body from illnesses by lowering the rate at which cells are damaged. Sesame seeds have been shown to be effective against infections caused by staph bacteria, strep throat, and prevalent skin fungi like athlete's foot due to their antibacterial properties.

Full With Healthy Antioxidants

Plant chemicals known as lignans may be found in sesame seeds. These antioxidants may help prevent cell damage and illness by neutralizing free radicals. They also contain high amounts of gamma-tocopherol, a type of vitamin E associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Boost Immune System

Many of the components found in nutritional supplements may also be found in sesame seeds. Vitamins B6 and E, as well as iron, zinc, copper, and selenium, are included. These nutrients are important for maintaining a strong immune system.

What Do We Offer?

Hulled Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are a staple in every home kitchen. These raw and natural sesame seeds have had the hull removed to provide a consistent look and feel. You may grind them into your own tahini paste or sprinkle them over your favorite bread and pastries. Stir fries and salads benefit greatly from being topped with hulled sesame seeds.

Natural Sesame Seeds

The nutritive hull of natural sesame seeds is kept on to prevent oxidation of the seeds' delicate omega lipids. Nuttier than other seeds, sesame seeds are packed with healthy nutrients including omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, as well as protein. Unhulled sesame seeds are an excellent sprouting ingredient, and they're also a tasty and nutritious addition to baked goods, cereals, and other foods. We have all three varieties of sesame seeds: organic, conventional, and kosher.

Customize Packaging of Our Products

The risk of contamination is minimized because AKC Commodities follows internationally recognized packaging standards and processes. We've earned a stellar reputation as Pakistan's premier exporters of sesame seeds. We use only the highest quality packaging materials for our Sesame Seed exports from Pakistan. These qualities have increased interest in our goods across the globe, making it necessary to establish benchmarks for Agro-Products. Our goods are exported to the U.S. Our brand is well-known in urban areas of the United States. We have the greatest items on the market since we grow and process them ourselves.

Why Choose Us?

Seeds Sesame is a high-protein meal, with around 25% protein; our Natural Sesame Seeds are acquired by a unique High-Tech cleaning method, leading to a high-purity product of consistent color, size, and flavor. For more details and information, send us an email at

Sesame Seeds Natural

Sesame Seeds Hulled

Certified by

Good Food. Organic Farming. Real Taste.